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Removing Chains is an #ArkofHope Listener and peer support network. If nobody is in chat leave it open and use our community to post updates. Check back often as we grow to see when others are online.

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Chat Support for Youth Targeted by Bullying

This text only chat room is part of our Don't Stand Alone- Stop Bullying program made for anyone that is a target of bullying in school. We at Removing Chains and Ark of Hope for Children know the lonely and often hopeless feelings a victim of bullying feels. We want to be the place of hope you turn to for support, understanding, and listening ears. You are not alone and we don’t want you to stand alone.

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No matter what a bullies excuses are for bullying you, you will never receive any judgment on website! Whether over or under weight, male, female, LGBT or any other label society puts on people, we are here for you!

We will listen with unconditional love and without judgment of any kind. offers Coaches, mentors and fellow survivors that will listen, encourage and bring you hope. I hope many make this Bullying Target Support Chat Room their oasis to look forward to after school and on weekends.

Featured Stop Bullying Videos

are shared here in our customized YouTube play list. We share these so to encourage you to not stand alone; to motivate others to stand up in defiance, in live, to be friends; and for all of us to unite against bullying and for peace!

press >next in bottom bar to skip to next video

Do you know a video that you think should be added? This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we'll check it out.
