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#RestoringHope Project

submit your story to be included in

"Restoring Hope: Removing the Chains of Child Abuse"

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Ark of Hope for Children is excited to partner with TGIM Digital Publishing in providing a compilation, and ongoing series, of stories authored by those that were victimized by child abuse and child trafficking. Ark of Hope provides mentoring styled support for many internationally that were traumatized as children by the many forms of child abuse and even by childhood illness or disability. All are welcome to contribute to this inspirational collection "Restoring Hope: Removing the Chains of Child Abuse".

This will be a great way we can empower and provide wings to once traumatized survivors, whether still children or now adults, on their survivor-to-thriver journey. Using our collaborative effort entitled the #RestoringHope Project survivors will be able to get all the help they need, or contribute their own work without help. You can share whatever portion of your story you choose in a short story, poetic or artistic format as part of this great effort.

Via their Writing for the Soul Workshop™, TGIM offers youth that have been identified as at-risk, the opportunity to improve their ability to develop a positive attitude towards their future through writing and sharing. Exposure to this program has proven to assist in the healing process, and equip participants with tools and resources that can help them in many different ways. Emotional needs will be met In cooperation with Ark of Hope for Children’s e-mentoring approach and their Removing Chains live chat support site, as well as through caring licensed counselors and facilitators.

Consider Gary, who previously accessed TGIM’s program and wrote about being sexually abused by his father. Listen as he shares how Writing for the Soul Workshop™ changed Gary’s life and then read his submission to the original book series "Stories of Hope."


Out of the Ashes by Gary, Stories of Hope:

I know there are others like me that have been abused or who struggle with severe anger issues. That’s why I decided to share my story.... here it is. From the time of my birth to the age of six, I was abused. I suffered severe child abuse from someone I thought I could trust and love. That person was my father. I should call my father “Dad” but I refused to do so. My father is a monster ...and this is what he did to my life.

My father was a manipulator and an alcoholic. When he drank, my father became very angry. When he got angry, he got violent. When he wasn’t being violent, he did other things to me.

Being in that house was like being in a fiery house of hell and no one knew. My father would act nice in public and then beat me at home ...that two-faced loser. He got away with it until one day after beating me; my mother noticed the bruises on my arms and legs. I believe I was around 5 1/2 years old. She noticed them while drying me off after giving me a bath.

She confronted my father and he began hitting her. It was at night, and I was asleep. I heard a big boom and woke up. I heard the sound of my mother’s voice crying out for my neighbors to help. She cried out for help to protect a newborn, me and my other brothers. It all happened so fast.

Later that week, my mom filed for a divorce. I didn’t even know that it was called a divorce. Mom simply told me that her and my father weren’t going to live together anymore. About six months later, my father signed his parental rights away from my brother and me. (End of teaser) 

What’s your story?

Gary’s testimony about how Writing for the Soul Workshop™ changed his life and his behavior, is just one of many from the youth and parents that have been impacted by our programs. Now we want to make an even bigger impact. That’s why TGIM has partnered with Ark of Hope for Children to launch the #RestoringHope Project.

We all have a story to tell. Let us help you tell yours. All ages are welcome to participate. Who knows ... your story just may impact someone else’s life. Submit your short story, poem, music, and art to be included in our #RestoringHope Project for inclusion in the next release of the Restoring Hope series, Restoring Hope: Removing the Chains of Child Abuse.

We fully appreciate and accept that some author’s contributions will deservedly be “dark” in nature as that is their personal history. Keep in mind, however that we do not publish graphic material.*

Submitting your story is easy!

Follow this link to the bottom of the page and submit your story right in the box provided. You may type your entry there or copy and paste from your favorite word processor.

*We do not publish graphic material. Therefore, you may be asked to remove graphic material or language. Please do not submit manuscripts that contain any of the following: obscene or explicit material, unnecessary profanity, vulgarity, or inappropriate or graphic love scenes. Any material considered for publication that is found to be graphic will require a mandatory edit of the material and may result in a rejection of the material. 

About "Stories of Hope: Volume 1"

Stories of Hope is a compilation of heart wrenching, and liberating short stories written by youth participating in Writing for the Soul Workshop™ around the world. Through a unique structure offering both engagement -and reward, this workshop brings education and passion together in a way that offers permanent life changing impact. As noted in the forward by educator Sarah Lankford, these unique and amazing individuals have received a rare opportunity to share a story they needed to share ... and develop a love of writing as a result.

Stories of Hope ThumbnaileBook: $9.99

Soft Cover: $12.99
6″ x 9″ (15.24 x 22.86 cm)
Black & White on White paper
122 pages

ISBN-13: 978-1537368849
ISBN-10: 1537368842

BISAC: Nonfiction / Biography & Autobiography / General

Paypal TGIMPurchase a copy of the book, or download the eBook to read it from your favorite device today!

Stay connected with updates from our workshops in the United States on Facebook at: Writing for the Soul Workshop™ in North America, Ark of Hope for Children and Removing Chains