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thumb voicesneededRitual, Institutional, Religious Abuse Support

Blair Corbett and Ark of Hope for Children have been mentoring victims of institutional, ritual and religious abuse online for years. Now have provided a safe live text only chat room on RemovingChains for one on one, or group discussion of what they have been through. In this way we hope that we can break the bondage they have been put in by the most severe forms of abuse imaginable.

Victims of institutional abuse have often lost their ability to function properly under almost any adult or authority figure. Survivors of ritual abuse, and especially SRA, have a very difficult time connecting with a world that could begin torturing them again at any moment. In both cases, their trust in adults is often destroyed and their ability to comprehend a non-combative world can seem completely foreign to how they have been forced to live.

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Very trustworthy and compassion filled Coaches, and mentors are available to help you through. It is most important to know that you are NOT alone. We help others through what you are going through; no matter how hard that is for you to believe. We will bring light into the darkest corners of what you have lived through. It is our goal to assist in breaking the chains of ANYTHING that you have lived whether in your past, or what you currently live with through nightmares and flashbacks. Removing Chains offers Coaches, mentors and fellow survivors that will listen, encourage and bring you hope.